52nd Senate Bills
Bill #5203 Funding for the House of Ovis Drag Performance
Bill #5204 Correction of Bill #5112
Bill #5205 First Aid and CPR AED Training
Bill #5207 The Groome Transportation Act
Bill #5208 Biannual Town Hall with CSU PD
Bill #5209 DEI Affairs Committee
Bill #5210 The Signature of ASCSU
Bill #5211 ASCSU Signature on the Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA) Letter to the U.S Supreme Court
Bill #5212 Addressing Anti-Semitism Act
Bill #5213 Additions to Bill #5122
Bill #5214 Funding the Lavender Cabinet
Bill #5215 Approval of SCASLA Presentation by BSOF
Bill #5216 Elections Code Amendment
Bill #5217 Financial Visibility Act
Bill #5218 Interview Attire Wardrobe
Bill #5219 ASCSU Travel Grant Funding
Bill #5220 CSU Temporarily Disabled Student Transportation Program Funding
Bill #5221 I Can’t Believe it’s Not Buttons Act!
Bill #5222 Changes to BSOF Bylaws
Bill #5224 Executive Job Descriptions
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